We are a Year 4 Class at Woodford Primary School. We hope you will enjoy reading our blog as we journey through this next year. You can find information about this term and some activities on the additional pages. We hope they are useful.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Carina and Bunyip

Carina with her weather beaten dark brown face sat with her fishing rod near the dark mossy
lagoon. Suddenly something mysterious jumped out of the dark mossy lagoon jumped a bunyip appeared. Then Burnum was worried because Carina hadn’t come home. Burnum going into the dark forest to look for Carina and went into down to the lagoon but he saw her fishing rod but no sign of her.
Bunum sprinted into the damp dark forest because the hairy spotted Bunyip was chasing him. Burnum found carina in the rocky cave by the water’s edge. She had been captured by the hairy Bunyip.
Burnum had a plan but carina was very worried. They stepped out of the cave and swam under water. To get to the dark forest. Tribe the hairy Bunyip really, angrily and came trotting to Carina and Burnum. Saw the bunyip coming so Carina stood up and starting running and, the Bunyip was far behind.
So Carina and Burnum, stopped because the tribe people came, closer to the Bunyip. So the Bunyip sprinted and sprinted and one of the tribe people got an arrow and shot it at the Bunyip. And the tribe people took Burnum and Carina home and they celebrated and never saw the Bunyip again.

By Hannah Judd

1 comment:

  1. Verry good your thought well but you rilly need to put the commers in!
    from sophie hayward .

