We are a Year 4 Class at Woodford Primary School. We hope you will enjoy reading our blog as we journey through this next year. You can find information about this term and some activities on the additional pages. We hope they are useful.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Bunyip

Yuka, meaning great warrior, went out hunting in the deep, dark woods and disappeared! The tribe were worried he would never come back! The tribe sat and waited for ages but he still did not return. Yuka was making a hot, boiling fire to keep him warm for a couple of days. He was also surrounded by huge, white coolibah trees and big, green ferns. As Yuka carried on walking into the forest , he came to a misty, secluded lake. He listened to the crashing of the cascading waterfall and huge, moss covered boulders were as green as seaweed. There were some kookaburras up in the trees tweeting, laughing, singing.
One evening Burnum, meaning great finder, went to look for Yuka and he saw the fire that Yuka made to keep him warm. Burnum was now starting to get worried!! When Burnum walked further into the forest he came to the misty, secluded lake that Yuka had passed. Just as Burnum was about to cross the misty, secluded lake he saw a dark shadow which was exactly the same as a Bunyips shadow. As he was looking around a Bunyip rose from the wate “Burnum help me!” screamed Yuka.
The bad, ferocious Bunyip was very angry, he was howling loudly and growling like a lion! Burnum escaped from the Bunyip only because he ran as fast as a cheetah. The bunyip may be fast but he had to lift his wings out of the water and that made him faster than he was.
“Yuka where are you I am coming to rescue you “ observed Burnum. As he ran further into the forest he was surrounded by dark, stringy bark trees. He kept running and as he got really far into the forest he found Yuka guarded by two baby bunyips.
Yuka was worried they would never escape but Burnum had a plan.
“Yuka I have a plan” explained Burnum.
“With my bow and arrow I will shoot arrows into the sky and the tribe will see them and hopefully come in and lead us out of here” Burnum confessed.
“Well that is a good plan I feel fine now” Yuka shouted
“Well fine is fine” Burnum said awkwardly.
The tribe saw the arrows coming down towards the misty, secluded lake then when they think the arrows are down they will go. They waited for about twenty minutes and then they made their move to rescue Yuka and Burnum!
“Tribe come on the arrows have reached the ground” yelled one of the men from the front row of the tribe.
“Ok!” shouted the rest of the tribe,
“Off we go” they all commented.
They walked faraway into the forest, crossed the misty, secluded lake and found Yuka and Burnum. Yuka and Burnum were surrounded by dark, stringy bark trees and swooshing, white coolibah trees.
“How did you find us?” Yuka and Burnum asked,
“Easy just followed footprints and found the misty, secluded lake and crossed it and found you!” the tribe said.
As the sun was setting down the trees were just becoming dark posts. They went into their and got out some torches so they could see better and the rest of the tribe were not just dark posts anymore. They all stood up listened to some camp songs and had a huge party. The party was really good they danced all night long, and guess what the Bunyip was never seen again!!!!!!
Sophie N

1 comment:

  1. to Sophie i loved you story if you done another
    one it will be amazing, love miesha

