Essential Skills for Writing in Year 4
Poetry; Explore and create images using similes,
Narrative: Unit 3: writing a story based on stories read from other cultures
Non Fiction: writing an explanation about Climate Change.
Essential Skills for Numeracy in Year 4
Understanding the relationships between digits in numbers
Understanding the relationships between addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
Using standard units of length and area.
Constructing simple frequency tables and bar charts.
Materials with a focus on solids, liquids and how they can be separated and how materials can be used to keep things cool or warm.
Scientific Enquiry (Sc1) ideas and evidence in science and investigative skills are incorporated in all science activities.
This term teaching focuses on collecting and presenting results with continuous work on explanation and conclusions
The focus for this term is Modelling effects on the screen. The children will learn and use the commands and language of LOGO and Scratch to create simple programs and make events happen.
Writing for different audiences: presenting articles for the class blog and school website.
In Geography we will be exploring Climate Change with case studies on the effects of climate on people’s lives around the world. We will explore the extremes of weather around the world and locally and investigate what causes these extremes and changes.
Art and Design
Global Art : During a day of art we will explore a range of techniques and traditions in art from around the world including batik, modelling, painting and printing.
Religious Education
Key Theme: Religion and the Individual Focused Religions: Christianity and Islam
Children will explore aspects of Christianity and Islam to discover what is expected of a person who follows a religion. Important questions around faith will provide children with opporunities to relate this concept to their own lives and people in the local community.
The children will be learning how to play saxophones / clarinets each week.
The music focus for this term will be Painting with Sound which will explore how music, like images can describe / create images and moods.
Physical Education
Indoor Gymnastics: Movement and balance Skills
Dance: Exploring patterns and rhythm in music from around the world to create dance motifs.
Basketball and Unihoc: Basic skills and awareness of team work and tactics
Kit Requirements
Indoor Kit should be white T-shirt, white or black shorts and plimsolls (which are cheaper) /trainers
Outdoor Kit should be the same as above but with the option of wearing a dark tracksuit during the winter months.
All jewellery should be removed (including ear rings) and long hair (girls and boys) tied back.