Brutus meaning great was near a logon in austral sitting on a mosey huge loge. He was wearing ripped clothes and a rugged hat when the Hunters disappeared near a cave.
Suddenly a Bunyip rose from the air landing near the hunters. The hunters ran into a cave as fast as they could.
Burnum went to find the hunters but he could not find the hunters aney where.
Brutus who came to save the hunters ran pass the Bunyip but the Bunyip screeched his teeth to gather .And then crawled towards Brutus his silver shiney face reflecked in to the Bunyip's eyes. The scarey loking Bunyip sprayed a poisons liquid to wards Brutus.
And Brutus made a cattapolt and fired a fire like firewoks going up over the dark misty forest.
Brutus shiney refleckting eyes focesd on the Bumyips blue eyes
The bunyips blue eyes turend and the Bunyip chucked burnumup in to the air and he saw the hunters trapped in a cave. When he dropped to the ground he cut his knee and hopped towards the Hunters.the hunters shouted ‘’Burnum help us’ ’ Burnum helped and ran home.
When burnum and the Hunters got home the Bunyip was never seen again so they all of them had a big party .with food and cheering that they didn't die.
i like your story because it has alot of writing and alot of nouns and alot of nounphraese